Bought this card to use with my Samsung Galaxy Tab2 7in tablet, based on others who have reported getting it to work in their Galaxy Tab 2.
Bottom line, you gotta reformat this card as FAT32 with 32kb sectors to work in the Galaxy Tab 2, and that requires jumping thru some hoops as Win6/Vista does not even offer the choice to format as FAT32, only as NTFS or exFAT, neither of which will work with the Galaxy Tab 2 (Android v4.04) You have to use 3rd party software to accomplish this. A FREE solution is the EaseUS Partition Master free software you can download from cnet or direct from EaseUS. I had a commercial package already installed (Acronis DiskDirector) that I used.
Once fomatted as FAT32 with 32kb sectors, the card is recognized AND all the space is seen and useable.
Highly recommended if you need the space. I would assume that this would also make LARGER microSDXC cards work as well
I have bought many cell phone earpieces. The only ones I have been able to hear well with were the corded ones. But the cords are always in the way and getting snagged. So, I have bought all sorts of bluetooth earpieces to avoid using a cord. The Motorola HK201 is the first one that has worked well. I was initially skeptical because of the low price, but I thought "what the heck" and bought one. Since the most important thing for me is to be able to hear well, I am very pleased with it. The earpiece is small and the buttons are small too; but I have managed to use it just fine.